Intelligent Camera Switching Using Clearshot Cameras

Jared Amlin
3 min readJun 2, 2022

Let us keep exploring these Cinemachine preset cameras by taking a look at the Clearshot Camera. This powerful feature will select the camera that has an unblocked view of the target, so let’s get started using it.

Either use the Cinemachine drop down at the top of your screen, or head to the Hierarchy and add a Cinemachine>Clear Shot Camera. By default you will get a Clear Shot camera parent with a single virtual camera child.

Use the plus (+) icon in the inspector on the Clear Shot parent to add additional cameras.

Each virtual camera in the Clear Shot parent will need a Cinemachine Collider extension. By default this is added when making cameras in the inspector. If you drag an existing virtual camera into the Clear Shot parent, you will probably need to add the collider extension.

All four cameras are assigned the 3D model of the Player to the Look At target. Other than that, these cameras will be stationary.



Jared Amlin

I am an artist and musician, that is currently diving headfirst into game development with C# and Unity3D.